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About Us / Contact Us

Are you in a paranormal team?
Interested in investigating the building?

Contact Us


The decommissioned Walker County Jail is home to our

C.A.T. Cafe Bakery (Coffee, Art, Tea).

We reside in the first floor of the jailhouse, which historically served as the office of the jail and, behind a heavy steel door, the home of the Sherriff and his family. 


The original jail cells are still fully intact on the second floor.  There are nine cells in all.  Three cells are solid wall cells with shower, facilities and two bunks each. In a separate section, there are two back to back cell blocks with bar walls.  Each side of the cell block includes two living cells, each with two bunks and facilities, and one general cell with a shower, facilities, dining bench and table and visitation windows.


The general public is not permitted on the second floor by the building owners.  The Cafe does use the upstairs to conduct paranormal investigations by professional teams.


If you are interested in investigating the second floor,
please contact us at

Photograph courtesy of Photography by Cade

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